In Community



Facilitation. Planning. Co-Creation.

In communities, we can find a large spectrum of different opinions, perspectives and ideas. co-created solutions are possible, directly from this diversity, when folks are facilitated to share ideas respectfully, listen deeply, and get understood.

Thinking Together Community Conversations

Be part of a think-tank. You bring you and our other community members bring themselves- to listen, take note, share information, give perspectives and learn to Co-Operate our thoughts. Aligning different perspectives may not be easy, but with our guidance and facilitation in "Think Tanks" the seemingly impossible often becomes reality.

Parent and School Collaboration

In times of crisis, we have learned, parents and schools must have ways to dialogue for the same goal : keeping kids in school, safely. We facilitate parent group meetings, advocacy letter composition and direct discussions, so that these two stake holders (parents and school administration) can think well together and co-create solutions in amicable ways.

Expert Interviews

Sifting through mainstream media to determine where there is expertise can be hard or feel futile. Especially in times of crisis, where local communities are effected, our interviews showcase innovative thinkers and responsible leaders, and seasoned experts who care about social needs. We also talk with folks who are highly competent in collaboration, and know the value of inter-disciplinary approaches.


Small social circles, families, individuals or kids, can form a type of "extended family" in pandemic times by creating a "quaran-TEAM" With explicit and drafted agreements for all safety protocols each team member abides by in their day-to-day, this pod is a safe-circle. We help! We facilitate: effective conversations to get to agreement about protocols, drafting agreements, and co-creative thinking for articulating clear goals and purposes.

non-profit organizations

Looking to align your team better? Need help with updating communication systems? Inspiring collaborative atmosphere? Structuring decision making?

We can facilitate your meetings and communication and help you to get the function and attitude you wish for your organization.

Call us about a contract for services. We have reduced rates for your non-profit

Community Groups

Are you part of a community group aiming to do good? Want help to organize your systems of communication? Inspire excellent participation? Want facilitated communication for your meetings? 

Meeting facilitation and effective communications support, as well as mapping action plans can help!

Let us know your needs. We can tailor make a package of services right for you.


  • where are roadblocks
  • how is morale
  • individual perceptions
  • goals
  • purpose


  • effective communication
  • negotiation
  • brain storming
  • idea lights


  • drafting
  • mapping
  • goals
  • purpose


  • decision making maps
  • communication routes
  • tasks and teams
  • delivery times
  • goals and purpose

Do Community with Us!

Community Projects that we initiate do not involve fees, they are typically, our gift and contribution.
Inquire with us with your suggestions and let’s see what we can cook up!

Contact Us